All about e-timecards (the digital timesheet)

What is the timecard via Peppol?

With the e-timecard, you can exchange the hours worked and expenses of temporary workers in the SETU format via Peppol, including any corrections. Since hours and expenses are often recorded weekly, the efficiency gain of the e-timecard is substantial. The information on the e-timecard can then be used to create an invoice and automate the billing between the staffing agency and the client.

What are the benefits of the e-timecard?

The benefits lie in the number of timesheets in the hiring process (usually submitted weekly per employee) and particularly in the fact that a single approved timesheet is used, which can be entered into various systems if desired. Both the client and supplier work with the same approved timesheet.

What data does the e-timecard contain?

The e-timecard contains many fields; below you'll find links to a complete overview. Here are some of the key fields on a digital timecard, likely familiar to anyone who has worked as a temporary worker or contractor:

Personal Identification (IdValue): This is a unique code assigned to each employee.

Reported Hours (ReportedTime): This field contains details about the hours worked by an employee: the number of hours worked and on which days.

Project Information (ProjectCode): If work was done on a specific project, this field is used to allocate the hours worked to the correct project.

Allowance (Allowance): This field can be used to specify any additional payments or allowances, such as travel expenses or overtime.

Comments (Comment): Here, both the employee and employer can add any comments. This can be useful for adding context to certain hours worked or conditions, such as working on a public holiday or under special circumstances.

How does it work exactly?

The hired worker logs their hours and any expenses. The relevant hours and expenses are approved and sent to the staffing agency. Based on this information, an invoice can be prepared.

Timecard processes in the case of secondary supply are also described here. Secondary supply means that a staffing provider supplies the human resources of another staffing provider (subcontractor) to its client. In that case, timecards can:

  1. be sent directly from the (staffing) provider to the subcontractor;
  2. be sent to the subcontractor after correction by the (staffing) provider;
  3. be sent simultaneously to the (staffing) provider and the subcontractor.

What are the steps in the process from timesheet to invoice?

The hiring process includes several steps, with the timesheet and invoice being the final ones. In addition to the timecards and the invoice, the following process steps are suitable for possible message exchange:

  • Vacancies: exchange of vacancies.
  • CV: exchange of CVs.
  • Ordering and Selection: requesting, proposing, and selecting workers.
  • Assignment: exchange of placement details.

Message exchange is already possible for:

  • Reporting Time & Expenses: reporting hours worked and expenses incurred.
  • Invoicing: invoicing for the work provided and expenses incurred.

What is the SETU standard?

The SETU standards contain models that describe when and what information should be exchanged. The standards facilitate the transfer of information in one go from sender to receiver. The receiver can then process the data, for example, for invoicing, payroll, or forwarding to another party. This standard is intended exclusively for use within the domain of the staffing industry and hiring of personnel. The standard is not intended to provide a general mechanism or design for reporting time and expenses, nor a general template for reporting time and expenses outside this domain.

What SETU messages are currently supported on the Peppol network?

  • SETU HR-XML Timecard v1.4
  • SETU HR-XML StaffingOrder v1.4
  • SETU HR-XML StaffingOrder Status v1.4
  • SETU HR-XML HumanResource v1.4
  • SETU HR-XML HumanResource Status v1.4
  • SETU HR-XML Assignment v1.4.1
  • SETU HR-XML Assignment Status v1.4

What does a complete overview of the fields in Timecard version 1.4.1 look like?

That information can be found on the site. Go to 'Codelists' and search for Timecard. Select Timecard 1.4 and click on "requirementTitle".

What does a complete overview of the fields in the upcoming Timecard version 2.0 look like?

That information can be found on the site. Go to 'Codelists' and search for Timecard. Select Timecard 2.0 and click on "requirementTitle".

What are the differences between Timecard versions 1.4.1 and 2.0?

Comparing both versions reveals that version 2.0 of the Timecard is designed with a clear focus on internationalisation. This version introduces new fields such as "documentId," "schemeAgencyId," "legalId," and "taxId," which align with international standards and regulations. The use of these elements makes the Timecard suitable for use on the international Peppol network, allowing its use beyond the Dutch staffing industry.

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