E-invoicing for the transport sector

With eConnect, you can make your invoicing process even faster. Purchase and sales invoices are automatically processed in your administration. From individual receipts and PDFs to real e-invoices. Want to know more?


speed up your invoicing process

Digitalisation and automation are very important in the transport sector. More and more customers are requesting e-invoices. eConnect makes it easy for carriers to meet this demand. Either from your own software or with our free portal!

from your own software

Easily process all invoices automatically in your own accounting software. We now have over 30 software integrations. Adjust your settings and start with e-invoicing!

one motor vehicle tax consolidated invoice

We collect the motor vehicle tax invoice specifications for you and deliver them as an e-invoice in your own online environment or directly into the financial administration.

Manon Sluijmers, Van Wijngen International

❝ It was quite a hassle, that change in the motor vehicle tax! We were already working with Digipoort and several parties were developing a working software solution. eConnect convinced us and offers the most complete and simple solution.❞

These (and many other) organisations have already preceded you

Vehicle fleet regulation

Direct connection with Tax Office - motor vehicle tax

Direct connection with the Dutch Tax Authorities – motor vehicle tax (MRB): eConnect has its own Digipoort connection, providing a direct, secure link with the Tax Authorities. We collect the motor vehicle tax invoice specifications for you and deliver them as an e-invoice in your own online environment or directly into the financial administration.

Would you like to know more about this?

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