Automatic invoice processing

Digitize your entire incoming invoice flow. eConnect automatically processes all your invoices, from PDFs to real e-invoices. So, we also have a suitable solution for you!


e-mail classification

A lot of time is often spent managing email boxes in the financial administration. Save time with our smart email classification software!

invoice processing

Purchase and sales invoices on paper, PDF, or e-invoice: with our solution for digital invoices, you process them automatically in all connected software.

xml transformation

The number of e-invoice formats is growing daily. There are industry-specific formats, but each country also has its own requirements. With eConnect, this is no problem!

scan & recognise (ocr)

Receive and process e-invoices automatically and flawlessly in your financial software, and also process all other documents, such as PDF invoices, expense reports, and receipts. 100% e-invoices in one day!

booking proposals

Booking purchase invoices requires knowledge. We have combined human and machine knowledge in a powerful booking robot, which always makes a booking proposal based on this knowledge.

With your own software

Start immediately with e-invoicing from your own financial software! Click on your software package and see directly how you can quickly and easily integrate eConnect.

eScanner app

Submit receipts and mileage with our handy eScanner app, and we will ensure automatic processing in the administration.

Automatic feedback

An efficient process of acceptance, validation, and processing of invoices contributes to accurate financial data, timely payments, and a streamlined administration!

supplier onboarding

eConnect has the solution for activating your suppliers with WeConnect®!