e-invoicing for housing associations

In addition to processing DICO invoices, also handle your expense invoices (such as energy and telecom) automatically as e-invoices, and send e-invoices via the rapidly growing and secure Peppol network!


cooperation with corporatieketen.nl

eConnect and Corporatieketen.nl, SaaS solution for organizing and facilitating the chain process within housing corporations and construction and installation companies, have joined forces. Together they establish a secure invoice flow between corporations and suppliers.

Scan & Recognise, from PDF to e-invoice

eConnect offers Scan & Recognise that makes processing PDF invoices possible. Multiple file types are processed (such as jpg, bmp, and original Word and Excel documents). 100% of the invoices are recognised and processed. Reminders, duplicate invoices, and invoices with essential errors are rejected with a workflow.

E-invoicing with DICO and Peppol

We ensure flawless integration of different e-invoicing platforms (DICO/Peppol). Messages can also be safely delivered via the DICO standard. We do this well! This way, you can receive them from Peppol in your own (DICO) software.

Bertus Meijer, founder Corporatieketen.nl

❝ Housing corporations have now discovered the benefits of e-invoicing in collaboration with parties from the construction and installation sector. With the eConnect solution, it is now also possible to safely receive and process e-invoices from suppliers from other sectors.❞

These (and many other) organisations have already gone before you

the solution from eConnect

At the moment, only the invoice flow around Daily Maintenance, such as repair requests, is covered. Corporatieketen.nl now ensures, together with eConnect, that all invoices, including cost invoices from, for example, energy and telephony in the form of an e-invoice, are safely delivered. Housing corporations have now discovered the benefits of e-invoicing in collaboration with parties from the construction and installation sector. With eConnect, it is now also possible to safely receive and process e-invoices from suppliers from other sectors. It is also a solution that takes into account the specific requirements that the housing corporation sector places on incoming invoices. In short: this solution is unique and specific to the corporation sector!

Want to know more about this?

connect your software with econnect

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