E-invoice assessment is the solution for changes in the GWH scheme

The Tax Authorities explained the changes to the GWH scheme at the end of 2018. As of May 1, 2019, the Tax Authorities stopped sending a CD-ROM and paper invoice specifications to users of the Large Fleet Owner Scheme (GWH).

eConnect has developed a standard solution that works in every software package and immediately implements an improvement! The GWH invoice specification becomes an e-invoice (UBL) at line level and can be received and processed in all financial software packages.

GWH scheme until May 1, 2019

The Large Fleet Owner Scheme is intended for transport companies, leasing companies or organizations with more than 25 vehicles.

By using the GHW scheme, the taxpayer receives one (paper) collective invoice for multiple vehicles. The total amount of the invoice will be collected in one amount.

The organization will receive a specification of the total amount on a separate CD-ROM. In this specification, all relevant vehicle data are broken down per license plate.

This specification is often set up in an Excel sheet or by means of scanning software into a journal entry for the financial administration.

Even more time-consuming is manually entering and breaking down the specification.

We think that could be better!

What has changed as of May 1, 2019

As of May 1, 2019, the Tax Authorities stopped creating and sending the CD-ROM and the invoice specifications on paper. The specifications of the GWH scheme will be exchanged via Digipoort from that date. If there is no connection with Digipoort, the GHW scheme can no longer be used. The result is that:

  • A paper assessment is sent per motor vehicle;
  • A direct debit must be issued per motor vehicle;
  • Invoices for trucks cannot be paid by direct debit;
  • A separate payment must be made in the bank for each MRB assessment;
  • The vehicle data is no longer automatically processed in the financial software.

More time is spent manually processing motor vehicle tax assessments, which increases the risk of errors. In short: ineffective and inefficient!

How do we solve this?

eConnect has the necessary PKI certificate with which we can retrieve the GWH invoice specifications from Digipoort. Setting up and maintaining a costly connection yourself is therefore not necessary. We even go one step further!

The invoice specification is converted into a standard e-invoice (UBL) and, including all information available per license plate at line level, sent securely via Simplerinvoicing and delivered in the eConnect platform or the linked software. Because they have many customers who use the GWH scheme, AFAS Software has been intensively involved in making this solution successful.

Even if your financial software is not (yet) connected to us, you can use this arrangement. The e-invoice can be downloaded directly from our platform and can then be read. Of course we also create a PDF invoice from the UBL.

What to do?

Below is a step-by-step plan to continue using the GWH scheme and to receive an e-invoice (UBL) at line level directly from Digipoort.

  • Contact contact with eConnect about the conditions of participation.
  • Indicate by means of the response form from the Tax Authorities that you wish to remain in the GWH scheme.
  • Register your organization with eConnect so that we can act as an intermediary for you.
  • We automatically register you on the Peppol network so that you can receive e-invoices securely.
  • Then forward the activation code received from the Tax Authorities to eConnect.
  • We activate your organization on our PKI certificate and take care of the rest!

Get started right away?

Are you interested in our solution for processing MRB assessments as an e-invoice? And do you want to (continue to) use the GWH scheme?

Please let us know via our contact form, send an email to info@econnect.eu or call us on 088-4406633.


6/13/2024, 04:37 PM

Last modified:

2/18/2025, 08:17 PM