E-invoicing from Komas

eConnect and KOMAS have been working together since 2017. By now many customers, small and large, are convinced of the many benefits of receiving procurement invoices electronically. The fast processing saves time and money. Want to get started?


Benefits of e-invoicing in komas

send sales invoices securely via peppol

Sales invoices are sent via the secure Peppol network. This ensures that these actually reach the right recipient.

Easy receiving & processing of purchase invoices

Purchase invoices are automatically read into records. Checking, approving and entering, it's done in no time.

automatically from pdf to e-invoice

The OCR+ functionality automatically converts pdf invoices into e-invoices. Nice and easy!

use your own familiar software

By linking eConnect to your software package, the entire functionality of your own software is available to you. No extra tools, but rather integrated as much as possible.

no hassle with different invoice formats

When sending your e-invoices, we check which format the recipient can process immediately and without errors. We take care of the transformation to the right format, so you don't have to worry about this.

About xml transformation (URL)

convenient motor vehicle tax scheme

Receive all motor vehicle tax assessments on one e-invoice. The total amount of the invoice will be collected in one amount."

What do our users say?

❝ Fast processing of purchase invoices saves time and money!❞

About Komas

KOMAS is a programme that enables financial accounting in a very friendly way.

The programme has been developed entirely from administrative practice by professional programme developers. Many years of cooperation between Adviesburo Remmerswaal, an accounting firm in The Hague, and Automatiseringsburo Nicogram BV, an independent software house in Nieuw-Lekkerland, has led to the development of a comprehensive programme, suitable for processing the simplest to the most complicated administration.

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