E-invoicing from Exact Globe

Exact Globe users can also e-invoice using the integrated link with eConnect. Want to get started?


Benefits of e-invoicing in Exact Globe

automatically from pdf to e-invoice

The OCR+ functionality automatically converts pdf invoices into e-invoices. Nice and easy!

use your own familiar software

By linking eConnect to your software package, the entire functionality of your own software is available to you. No extra tools, but rather integrated as much as possible.

no hassle with different invoice formats

When sending your e-invoices, we check which format the recipient can process immediately and without errors. We take care of the transformation to the right format, so you don't have to worry about this.

convenient motor vehicle tax scheme

Receive all motor vehicle tax assessments on one e-invoice. The total amount of the invoice will be collected in one amount.

About Exact Globe

With Exact Globe Next, users choose an integrated software solution: an ERP system that easily and simply organises and structures their entire business administration. From financial administration and production administration to logistics administration and HRM/salary administration, Exact Globe provides clear links between all these different administrative processes. Not only does this make the various processes much more transparent, links between business sections and departments are also automated and therefore more transparent.

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Sales invoices are sent via the secure Peppol network. This ensures that these actually reach the right recipient.
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Sales invoices are sent via the secure Peppol network. This ensures that these actually reach the right recipient.
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