E-invoicing with DICO (SALES005) via eConnect

Since January 1, 2022, e-invoicing within construction and infrastructure companies has been the focus for companies in the sector. DICO (SALES005) is used for this, an agreement between manufacturers, wholesalers, construction, maintenance and installation companies and housing associations about the format of the e-invoice. Also e-invoicing via DICO? It's possible via eConnect!

Different sizes

In the construction sector millions of invoices are sent every year in different formats, e-mail, PDF, paper or e-invoice. Creating and processing all these invoices not only takes a lot of time, but also money. Of course this could be better! That is why, as of January 1, 2022, electronic invoicing will be the preferred method for invoicing in construction according to DICO (SALES005). An electronic invoice with a fixed standard, so that data no longer has to be entered manually. Moreover, they are also automatically processed in your own accounting package.


E-invoicing is safe, because an e-invoice is checked for IBAN, VAT number and Chamber of Commerce number as standard. When invoicing according to DICO (SALES005), the GLN code is added, a 13-digit number that is used in all electronic messages to identify permanent address data. For suppliers, sending an e-invoice also means faster payment. On average, an e-invoice is paid about 7 days faster than another invoice.

DICO (SALES005) via eConnect

Sending and receiving e-invoices according to DICO (SALES005) is already possible in many accounting packages. If you do not work with a software package or you only send a number of e-invoices per year, you can also register with the (/nl/makkelijk-sending/invoice portal) of eConnect. You can easily create your DICO e-invoices via this portal! Messages can also be delivered safely via the DICO standard. This is also possible via eConnect. This means that you can receive from Peppol in your own DICO software. In addition, our Scan & Recognize software is made ready for DICO, so if your software package supports DICO, you can also use our Scan & Recognize functionality.

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5/31/2024, 01:39 PM

Last modified:

8/28/2024, 02:46 PM