Automatic detection – the standard at eConnect

eConnect detects the optimal delivery method for every invoice that is sent. Preferably, this is directly into the recipient's financial software via the econnect network or the Peppol/Simplerinvoicing network. We always check whether the recipient is registered in the network. If they are, the invoice is securely and correctly delivered to the e-invoicing address registered by the recipient. In short, automatic detection via the open network.

Automatic detection – the standard at eConnect

Automatic detection has been the standard at eConnect and has been applied to all invoices sent via eConnect since 2013. Lansigt Accountants and Tax Advisors were the first organisation in 2013 to introduce automatic detection when receiving e-invoices and still benefit from it today. Both corporates and SMEs have sent many invoices with automatic detection via eConnect over the years. We are by far the largest sender in the Netherlands on the Peppol/Simplerinvoicing network with 60% of the invoice volume. Fortunately, our method of sending e-invoices is slowly being adopted. Unfortunately, not every Billing Service Provider (BSP) checks whether the recipient is accessible in the open e-invoicing network. As a result, the invoice may still end up in the mailbox or on the mat, even though it could have been delivered electronically. This increases costs, allows for the sending of phantom invoices, and makes processing upon receipt inefficient. All of these issues are resolved by using automatic detection when sending e-invoices via Simplerinvoicing.

The e-invoicing network – for every organisation

The secure Peppol/Simplerinvoicing network is available to every organisation in the Netherlands, from government agencies to SMEs. The exchange of electronic invoices takes place via the secure networks of various affiliated Billing Service Providers (BSPs). eConnect is one of these BSPs and is also the market leader on the Simplerinvoicing network. The Dutch Peppol Authority, Stichting Simplerinvoicing, connects all 'independent' networks of BSPs to each other. In addition, it monitors security and invoice standards, so every organisation can exchange e-invoices regardless of the provider or size. You can compare it to the mobile phone industry: everyone can reach each other using a mobile number (registration number) regardless of the mobile provider or device used. The exchange of e-invoices is no different. Through connected software packages (devices), you can send and receive invoices from other connected software packages without any manual interventions. It sounds simple, and it is!

Just ‘switch it on’

Simplerinvoicing is available in many financial software packages. In the case of eConnect, it’s just a matter of 'switching it on'. We are standardly integrated into more than 30 widely used software packages. Based on one or more unique identification numbers, the company is registered in the network. Think of the Chamber of Commerce (KvK), VAT, or IBAN number for businesses and the OIN number for government agencies. All these numbers can be used to reach the recipient, similar to a telephone number. Moreover, in this way, it is always known who the sender of the invoice is, and you are automatically found in the network the next time. An additional benefit is that sending phantom invoices on this network is no longer possible!

Standard free registration

When you start using eConnect, we always ensure that you, as a Dutch organisation, are registered free of charge in the Simplerinvoicing/Peppol network. This makes you accessible to everyone in this network. So, always ask your provider if you can be registered in the Peppol network!

Sending an e-invoice

When sending an e-invoice, the BSP checks the recipient’s identification numbers in the network. If everything is in order, the delivery information is automatically retrieved by the BSP, and a connection is made with the receiving party's provider. The e-invoice is then delivered via the e-invoicing network. You don’t have to worry about whether the recipient can actually receive the e-invoice— in all cases, the e-invoice will be delivered.

Receiving an e-invoice

Once you start sending e-invoices, it’s only natural that suppliers will expect you, as an organisation, to also be able to receive e-invoices. The financial software is ready for this, and many suppliers can exchange e-invoices. So actively request e-invoices. For all non-e-invoices, such as PDF invoices, eConnect has a solution. These are routed through the same system into the administration. We always check whether these invoices can be delivered electronically. This way, you will receive more e-invoices and can start ‘truly’ automatic accounting.

inVoice of Holland supports automatic detection

What is inVoice of Holland? E-invoicing technology is easy to apply in many cases. At the same time, it’s still not being fully utilised. Senders are waiting for receivers, and receivers are waiting for senders. inVoice of Holland aims to break the deadlock between senders and receivers, thereby accelerating the adoption of e-invoicing. We do this by asking leading organisations to publicly commit to using e-invoicing on a large scale with the highest quality and security levels via Simplerinvoicing FULL. One of the four pillars of inVoice of Holland is Automatic detection as a standard. When e-invoicing with automatic detection is applied, all parties involved save costs, and risks are reduced.

If it can be done, do it!

The result is enormous cost savings and greatly improved security of the invoicing process for both sender and receiver. The motto is clear: If it can be done, do it!


9/16/2024, 11:17 AM

Last modified:

9/16/2024, 12:16 PM