CEF eInvoicing call Pool TSPs

eConnect is participating in the European consortium Pool TSPs; 2017 CEF Telecom Call – eInvoicing (CEF-TC-2017-3). The objectives are becoming fully compliant with the EN16931 and provide a scalable solution, based on the eInvoicing demand. econnect is testing interoperability and conversion of the different EN standards between the available Peppol protocols AS2/AS4.


The POOL-TSPs – Adoption of the eInvoicing Directive through interconnected platforms of European Trust Service Providers. The project was developed and presented by LMT Group in collaboration with the Universitat de València. The project is co-financed by the European Commission through its eInvoicing call from the 2017 The aim of the Action is to support the EDI providers of the consortium such as eConnect from several Member States (Belgium, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Spain) to meet the European Standard (EN) on electronic invoicing for cross-border transactions according to the Directive 2014/55/EU. Moreover, 10 PEPPOL Access Points operated by the beneficiaries of this Action will be adapted, tested and validated in order to enable the use of the EN corresponding syntaxes when exchanging invoices via the Access Points in compliance with the AS4 eSENS profile.


  • Become fully compliant with the EN and provide a scalable solution based on the eInvoicing demand.
  • Enhance eInvoincing interoperability to ease the adoption of the e-Invoicing Regulation
  • Help cross-border transactions with an interoperable eInvoicing platform.



3-4-2019, 22:00

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29-5-2024, 13:37